Wasp Nest Removal Sydney | Sydney Pest Control

We provide wasp removal services to residential and commercial customers. We are experts in ensuring that our customers stay wasp free.

When to call in O&L Pest Control for wasp removals | guaranteed wasp removal

Where there is a wasp infestation, it can be possible to remove a wasp nest on your own, however it is not recommended. We recommend that you call in professional wasp control services to treat all wasp species and to avoid getting wasp stings.

Why choose O&L Pest Control if you have a wasp problem

O&L Pest Control are specialists in safe and efficient nest removal for wasps in Sydney and the the Illawarra region.

We promise guaranteed wasp nest removal. We guarantee to treat your wasp problem and that wasps will not return to the treated nest once we have treated the wasp nest.

At O&L Pest Control we have designed a proven, safe and effective pest control services to remove a wasp infestation.

We will answer your enquiry within one business day and we will attend your home or commercial premises as soon as possible.

Where you can find a wasp nest

You can find many wasps and wasp nests in locations around you house or commercial premises including.

  • Trees and Bushes

  • Eaves and Roof Overhangs

  • Wall Cavity

  • Attics and Loft Spaces

  • Sheds and Outbuildings

  • Rubbish bins

Types of wasps in Sydney

There are several common types of wasps that make Sydney their home. These include;

  • European Wasps (Vespula germanica): The European wasps is an invasive species in Australia. It is yellow and black in color and known for its aggressive behavior. European wasp nests can be located in various locations, including underground burrows, wall cavities, and tree hollows.

  • Paper Wasps (Polistes spp.): Paper wasps are relatively common in Sydney. They have slender bodies and long legs. They build small, open-celled nests made of paper-like material, usually attached to eaves, fences, or tree branches. Paper wasps are generally less aggressive than some other wasp species.

  • Mud Daubers (Sceliphron spp.): Are solitary wasps that construct a nest like a mud cell. They are usually black or dark brown and have a slender body. Are not generally aggressive and rarely sting unless provoked. Their nests can often be found attached to walls or ceilings.

  • Australian Paper Wasp (Polistes humilis): The Australian paper wasp is a native species found in Sydney and other parts of Australia. They are similar in appearance to the European wasp but have a narrower waist. Australian paper wasps construct small nests, often under eaves or in shrubs.

  • Yellow Paper Wasp (Polistes flavus): Yellow paper wasps are another native species found in Sydney. They are yellowish-orange in color and build small, open-celled paper wasp nest. Their nests are typically found in sheltered areas such as sheds, trees, or under eaves.

Why you should remove wasp nests

If you find wasp nests within your home commercial premises it is advisable you should remove the wasp nest as follows;

  • Safety: Wasp stings can be painful, and for individuals who are allergic, they can trigger severe allergic reactions including anaphylactic shock that require immediate medical attention. Being on top of wasp issues and removing wasp nests reduces the risk of accidental encounters and a wasp sting, especially for children, pets, or individuals who may not be able to react quickly to a wasp's presence.

  • Aggression: Wasps can become aggressive when they feel their nest is threatened. If you inadvertently disturb a nest, the wasps may perceive it as an attack and defend themselves by stinging. Removing the nest helps mitigate the risk of provoking aggressive behavior from the wasps.

  • Multiplication: Wasp nests are home to colonies that can rapidly multiply. A single wasp nest can contain hundreds or even thousands of wasps. If left undisturbed, these nests can produce new queens that will establish additional nests in the area, leading to a higher population of wasps. It is always advisable to remove most wasp nests.

  • Structural Damage: Some wasp species have the tendency to build nests (including European wasp nests) in wall cavities, attics, or other structural areas. Over time, their nest-building activities can cause damage to the building's infrastructure. Removing the nests prevents potential structural problems and the need for costly repairs.

  • Peace of Mind: Having wasps flying in close proximity to your living spaces can create anxiety and fear. Removing the nests provides peace of mind, allowing you to enjoy your home and yard without the constant worry of encountering aggressive wasps.

How much does it cost to get a wasp exterminator?

The professional wasp exterminator cost can range from $80 to $250.

How does pest control carry out was treatment?

When pest control specialists at O&L Pest Control are called to handle a wasp infestation, they typically follow a systematic approach to effectively get rid of the wasps. Here are the general steps involved in the process:

  1. Inspection: The pest control specialist will first conduct a thorough inspection of the property to identify the location of the wasp nests, determine the species of wasps involved, and assess the extent of the infestation. This helps in developing an appropriate treatment plan.

  2. Protective Gear: The specialist will wear protective clothing, including a bee suit or specialized wasp control gear, to minimize the risk of being stung.

  3. Treatment Application: Depending on the situation and the specific products used, the pest control specialist may apply an insecticidal dust, foam, or spray directly to the nest and surrounding areas. The choice of treatment depends on factors such as the location of the nest, accessibility, and safety considerations.

  4. Nest Removal or Destruction: Once the treatment has taken effect and the wasps have been eliminated, the specialist may physically remove or destroy the nest. This step ensures that any surviving wasps cannot reuse the nest and prevents potential reinfestation.

  5. Follow-Up Measures: In some cases, the pest control specialist may recommend additional measures to discourage wasps in the future. This can include identifying and addressing attractants on the property, such as food sources or potential nesting sites.

Will wasps leave if you destroy their nest?

Destroying a wasp nest will not guarantee that the wasps will immediately leave your home or commercial premises. The wasps may become agitated and defensive if their nest is disturbed or destroyed, which can lead to increased aggression and stinging behavior.

However, if the nest is completely destroyed and rendered uninhabitable, the wasps will eventually disperse or seek out a new location to build a new nest. The timeline for their departure can vary depending on several factors, including the wasp species, environmental conditions, and availability of alternative nesting sites.

It's important to note that destroying a wasp nest can be dangerous and should be approached with caution. Without the proper knowledge, equipment, and protective gear, you may put yourself at risk of being stung. It is generally recommended to hire a professional pest control service to handle the safe and effective removal of a wasp nest. They can ensure the complete elimination of the nest and take appropriate measures to prevent the wasps from returning.

Will wasps return to a sprayed nest?

If a wasp nest has been properly treated with an appropriate insecticide, the chances of wasps returning to that nest are very low. Insecticides that O&L Pest Control uses are specifically formulated for wasp control are designed to effectively eliminate the wasp colony and prevent the wasps coming back. When a nest is treated, the insecticide typically kills the wasps present, including the queen, which is crucial for the survival of the colony.

However, it's important to note that if the nest is not adequately treated or if there are other factors at play, there is a possibility that some wasps may survive or new wasps may attempt to rebuild the nest in the same area. Factors such as nearby food sources or the availability of suitable nesting sites can attract new wasps to the location.

To ensure the effectiveness of wasp control, it is generally recommended to have the nest treated by a professional pest control service. They have the knowledge, experience, and appropriate insecticides to eliminate the nest thoroughly and minimize the chances of wasp reinfestation. Additionally, professionals can provide advice on preventing future wasp problems and take measures to address attractants in the residential or commercial premises.

Can you remove a wasp nest yourself?

It is advisable for the normal Sydney-sider who is not trained in pest control, should not remove the nest by themselves. To remove a wasp nest we recommend that it is done at night and you have the correct protective clothing, including a bee hood, gloves and suits.